

when i die
i know you will come for me

you will stand on my grave
touch your horn to the stone
and summon my spirit back up
out of the cold black earth

we will face one another
two impossible beings
and i will know you
and you will know me
tho' we never saw one another in life

and you will kneel just a little
just enough for me to pull myself up
onto your pale broad back-
and then you will run

together we will race
down the convoluted pathways
carved by my memories
through mercurial time
onward and backward we'll rush
until we reach the moment
when i stopped believing in you

we will kiss the girl that i was
and she will shiver
touch her hand to her cheek
and turn to look for us
because our kiss will restore her faith-

but we will be long gone
two old friends riding off
into the sunrise of eternity


1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I liked the last two paragraphs/stanza/Tony Danzas the best. Very neat imagery.
