
Hard Reset: Day Twelve (or: Getting Pissed Off At My Physical Limitations)

I did not sleep well last night, for various reasons.  One of those reasons was allergies (which, what the heck PNW?  We were doing fine and then suddenly sonotfine.), which is why I've made the command decision that local honey is coming back into my diet today.  I'd sort of thought from the beginning that I'd bring it back in for the third week, but this is happening now.

Anyway, as I lay there awake around 0400 I thought to myself, I'm so effin' miserable.  Maybe I'll skip crossfit.

And then when my alarm went off at 0700 (I sleep in on Saturdays) I had The Debate:

I am a grown-ass woman.  I don't have to go to crossfit if I don't want to.  I feel like crap, and no one cares if I don't go.

Yes, but- you'll feel so much better after crossfit.


So I did get up, and I did go to crossfit (after one more round of Debate, which occurred as I lay in bed snuggling Nathan goodbye), and by golly I did feel better afterwards.


(in the order I did it in)


Keg Snatches
Jumping Lunges
Wall Walks (this video calls them wall climbs)
Rolling Planks
Row for Calories
Tie Flips
Back Extensions

-Two Rounds
-One minute per station, two minute rest between rounds

Before we started, Jack ran us through the movements.  I was pretty excited when he got to tire flips, because I haven't done those yet.
Not even a little bit.
 ...and I still haven't.  And it pisses me off.  Every other person in that gym (men and women alike) was able to flip that stupid tire, and I couldn't.  So instead I flipped a heavy-weight bag, and felt weak as a newborn kitten the entire time- and twice as petulant.

On the other hand, I rocked out my wall walks- although in retrospect I was touching my belly/chest/forehead to the wall, so possibly I was going a little above and beyond.  That's alright, though, since last time I tried them they weren't happening at all.

So maybe the next time I try tire flips, I'll rock them out, too...

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