
Gone to the Kleenex Fields

We got some bad news today: Nathan's parents had to put the family dog to sleep today.  She was about fourteen years old, and it was her time- but of course that never makes it any easier.  We actually got the news while we were visiting my grandparents, talking about (appropriately enough) how hard it had been for them to put down their various dogs: Pasha, Willie, and Toby.  Three goods dogs that I am sure are happy to welcome Abby to the Great Beyond for lots of puppy games.  Yep, they're one giant pack now, along with Daisy, Baron, Nikto, Monster, Pepper, Snitch, Trudie, and Hondo (I can't go back beyond the grandparents' generation, but I know there are more).

After Nikto died we liked to imagine he was with my dad, eating all the Kleenex he wanted, and being petted and called a good dog for it.

They're all good dogs.

That is a fat dachshund puppy angel up top.  Because they're spherical before they turn into sausages...

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