It's been a really good day so far. I've been on track, and it has me feeling both physically and mentally satisfied. I got up when my alarm went off (this is a pretty big accomplishment for me, so right away I was feeling like a winner), did my sun salutations (because I made a third-week-of-January-resolution to bring my stretching regimin back), made breakfast, took out the garbage and recyling, and made it to work on time. While at work I made the meal plan for next week, ate a primal lunch, and did not let Lazy Self talk me out of going to the rock gym after work. I was feeling sullen about it- I felt ugly (it is very hard for me to want to do anything when I don't feel attractive- I'm not sure if this is just a weird quirk of mine or if all people get this...), I felt irritable, I didn't want to walk through the rain... so many excuses, but I shut them all down and forced myself to go because I'd
made a commitment. And I'm so glad that I did, because after flailing around (and failing and falling down a few times) I made a new belaying friend who was oh-so-patient with me (he was flying up 5.11s with no discernible effort, so it really was kind of him to take me under his wing) and with his help I conquered another 5.9, so even though I'd spent the day feeling like a haggard... well,
hag, after I completed that climb I felt awesome and gorgeous and The Best At Everything Always. Which, as you know, is my natural state.
So Nathan picked me up at the designated time, and I was actually a little sad I hadn't set it half an hour later... which I suppose I'll do next time. And now he's making dinner while I update this blog (taking breaks to rub my screaming forearms). And now I present you with the fulfillment of my
other commitment:
Feruchemist |
These are some doodles of Sazed, from
Brandon Sanderson's
Mistborn series. He is one of my all-time favorite characters, partially because his character arc is so compelling. (Sazed is a eunuch, which is why I've drawn him with such androgynous features.)
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