
Creepy is the New Cool

If you're in the habit of drawing people from life (outside the context of a studio) you get very good about being sneaky.  "What?  Oh?  I'm not staring at you, my eyes are just gliding over you before coming to rest on that... um... that clock right there.  And now I flick my eyes around the room a little more as though I'm... awesome you've looked away again time to draw!"  I mean, you don't have to be sneaky, I guess- unless you want your subject to get up and leave which, in my experience, is what people tend to do if you stare at them too long- especially if they notice that you're drawing while you do it.

Which is why, gentle readers, you will find a great many drawings of sleeping people in my sketch books.  It's nice not to have to hide the creepy.

Some people nap in the terminal, some people draw people who nap.  It's like the circle of life.
Of course, that doesn't stop everyone else around you from being creeped out and giving you the appropriately scandalized looks of, "Is this behavior acceptable?", and which also makes the whole nonchalant, eyes-flicking-around-the-room thing a lot more difficult to make believable when you later move on to drawing them... but still.  At least napping guy still thinks I'm cool.

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