There are a few people in my life who know how to throw one hell of a party. This is nice for someone like me, who enjoys
attending amazing parties, but generally only
throws casual get-togethers. One such amazing-party-thrower is my friend Jenni Bost, who actually has an entire awesome blog about it (the appropriately named
A Well Crafted Party). Go check it out: I'll wait.
... ... ...
Welcome back! I'm assuming it's a few hours later, because you've felt compelled to do a bunch of super-cool crafts and mix up a bunch of delicious drinks. It's cool. I've been there.
In fact I was literally there tonight! Jenni threw her annual Halloween Party, and this year's theme was Comic Books. I mentioned the other day that I decided to do more of a
concept costume, and here's the result:
Embiggen for an extra joke on Neeps's shirt. |
(The photo is B&W, just like our low-budget mini-comic.)
You got to read
the first draft of the script the other day, so I thought you might like to check out the Final Product today:
Extremely limited run. |
Yes, I misspelled pseudonym and had to hand-correct each issue. |
Neeps used my copic brush pen for his subtle-yet-nuanced inking. |
Oh look, did someone accidentally leave AN ENTIRE FREAKING WORD BALLOON OUT and then have to go in and hand-write it in ten freaking times?? |
Look at that, they totally did. |
We brought a handful to the party and gave them out (Nathan said that if we
really wanted to sell the costumes, we should have brought a folding table and sat behind it, staring at people hungrily) and people seemed to enjoy it. I know we enjoyed making it, even if I
did have to all-but-hog-tie Nathan to get him to just produce something
quick rather than slaving over something "perfect". After all, it was just a prop.
...for now...
Awww! Thank you! I LOVED your family costume and spent my morning reading your adorable comic. Thanks for coming!