
Fresh, for Now

Still plugging away at bibs for my passel of pregnant ladies.  I started this one while I was still pregnant- finished it, well, tonight.  I had to put it aside for quite some time, and honestly I sort of vacillated between resentment and tenderness as I worked on it (and the other one that bridged the now-you're-pregnant-now-you're-not spectrum).  I do, however, feel that they are weirdly therapeutic, and anyway I'm quite pleased with the end results, so that's all for the good.

Can't lie.

I have only one more of these bad boys (the fifth) to turn out for 2014, and then one lined up for early 2015- but I won't have to worry about that one for many months.  In the meantime, I'm sure I'll find other, less sensitive projects to keep me busy...

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