Sometimes I just start stitching because I want to, and I don't really know where it's going to take me. The last time that happened (in February, actually), it went a little like this:
"Hmm, I want to stitch, but I'm done Valentine's Day is over. What else could I stitch now? It might be fun to do one of my angels with the illuminated wings... hmm, illuminated wings... I'll bet it would be nice to stitch a firebird!"
And so I drew a little firebird on a piece of card stock, and started to stitch:
Burn. |
Simple simple line-work, in the beginning, lots of long graceful lines to follow. For the colors I decided that I wanted to work in shades of flame (obviously), but that I would treat the bird's body as the hottest part of the flame, and therefore white (twined with pale yellow) and then get darker the further out I went.
A lovely effect. |
Such a nice gradient! I got the subtle color changes by using three threads and slowly substituting one shade after another. You can see it most obviously in the third feather from the left- I used a pale orange, a salmon, and a scarlet for that one. Anyway once the main line work was done, I needed to go back in to the feathers and do the details...
Which I did. |
That shot also shows you where I started adding extra flourishes, and how I draw the lines in pencil and then punch holes in the card stock using the needle. But still more flourishes were needed!
Traces of gray, for smoke. |
So I added those flourishes, and filled in the world "burn" while I was at it, but I knew that
still more flourishes were needed!
More! We need more! |
In the end it turned out like this:
An Official Portrait, by Nathan. |
And the back looked like this:
Awesomely ordered chaos. |
And if you would like get a better sense of the scale of this thing:
Too much red! Blowing out my phone's sensors! |
And here are two more Nathan photos for more detail work:
Can you see the barest touch of blue I used in her eye? |
Ha hah, who forgot to erase pencil lines before letting Nathan take photos? THISGIRL. |
So that's what I occasionally do with my time- freehand something onto a piece of card stock, and then stitch the hell out of it. Wheee! All in all it took me... three days, I think? But they were
highly satisfying days.
And you will frame it and sell it for how much? ;-)
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