Before I get into today's Crossfit Adventure, I want to over-share with you a bit. Specifically I want to over-share about the really disgusting thing that occurred with my littlest cat this morning. This is her:
See that dime? Remember that. It's important later |
Last night I heard her sneeze. And then she kept sneezing. And then she crawled into my bed and laid there all pitifully.
Oh no, I thought.
Poor sick Kitty. She kept having random sneezing fits as I puttered around, getting ready for bed, and she stayed close to me once I got in (helpfully sneezing right in my face and
dear stars mucus everywhere gross gross gross). In fact, she woke me up several times throughout the night with her violent bouts of sneezing, to the point that when I woke up for the day around 0630 I grabbed my phone to google, "cat can't stop sneezing" to see if it was an Emergency or not. A cursory glance at the webbernets told me that most likely it was a respiratory infection, and that yes, I needed to take her to the vet for it.
And then I looked at my poor sick kitty, still curled up near my chest, and do you know what I saw?
I saw a piece of grass.
Sticking out of her nose.
So I did was any responsible pet-owner would do. I grabbed her head in the vice-like grip of my left hand (thank you, climbing) and used the other to extract the grass. Which was way longer than one would think physically possible. Behold:
See the place on the left where it bends? From there to the furthest left is how much was sticking out of her nose this morning. |
Yes, that came out of my cat's skull. And no, she hasn't sneezed since.
Do you know what else is good for clearing out your sinuses? Burpees. How do I know this? Because!
As a team of two, complete 200 burpees. While one person
does burpees, the other does double-unders. Your score is the time, and
total number of doubles.
So remember how
the other week I was all, "Team mates are great because they inspire me to go harder!"? Well there is a flip side to that, and it's "Team mates are awful because I end up screwing them over and feeling super bad about it!" Especially when I team up with someone ridiculously fitter than I am, which is what occurred today. Although man, thank goodness he was so much better than me at double-unders, because our overall score would have been even more shameful, otherwise- as it was, his ability to rock out 40-50 during each round (we agreed to swap off ever twentieth burpee) meant that we scored better on that part than some of the other teams. No thanks to me, who got like ten on my best round ever- and not just because he was doing the burpees faster than I was:
Only a slight exaggeration of what happens when I flub double-unders. |
And the other teams- oh man, don't even get me started. Suffice to say that the other ladies were doing 25 burpees to my 20. It made me want to climb under a rock and send out apologies to my partner for the next month.
But hey- we all start somewhere (::coughcoughbeendoingthisforthreemonthsnowcough::). And he was really nice about it, even when we were the last ones finishing our WOD while everyone else was walking around outside trying not to puke. But I would not blame him one bitty bit if he avoids my eye the next time partner workout comes around...
(Oh, and afterwards my sinuses, which had been clogged, were super-clear. Hence the title of today's entry.)