*(this is what auto-correct turned "Elf Mother Colors" into when I emailed the photos to myself.)
True to
my word, I am well and truly back in the watercolor saddle, and feeling pretty damn fine about it. It's been a really interesting project, in terms of forcing me to come face-to-face with my own shortcomings and growth edges (although it's been a pretty good year for that in general, I'd say) and tonight I realized that one of the most important lessons I've learned from this project is that it's okay not to be perfect all the time. It's okay to play, to produce art for no audience but myself (::coughcoughshesaidonherpublicblogcough::) and to not freak out if it's not of a quality that I'd want it to be if someone were paying me. Turns out I produce a lot more that way- and producing more means sharpening my skills faster, which means better products when I
do create on behalf of someone else. Which, while rare, does still happen on occasion...
But enough narcissistic navel-gazing. On to the pictures!
Yep, this is the one you've already seen. Just to remind you of what the stark linework looked like. |
When I orginally dew this, all the way back in May, I was going for a
Tolkien-esque elf vibe (as opposed to the
Pini-esque elf vibe I usually channel), but a side of them we don't really see in the books. We know they can have children, but we never really see them in that context- so here I come with my imagination and my pens (and my brushes)!
Honestly it was probably "good enough" after one night's colors, but I wanted to do more. |
When I finished up last night, I knew that I'd allow myself one more night of colors, and then it would be time to move on to the next image. |
The "finished" piece. |
For what it's worth, I'm actually quite pleased with it (smear on her hand aside). Okay, yes, I can pick it apart on several levels, but dang it all, I'm telling my Inner Critic to shut it, and just enjoy it for what it is, which is a pleasing little what-if portrait.
I'm excited to see what my brain spits out tomorrow.
I thought it amazing on the first round! But, goodness- by round three I had my jaw on the floor. Great job!