Okay, right off the bat I need to admit that I am
not going to do a post for every day I was gone; I am going to cluster them all into one loooong post. Which is to say,
this post. Because Momma's gotta sleep, ya'll. Plus I still need to do updates for "post-Hawaii"... those might happen tomorrow... anyway...
It was a 12+ hour travel day. I did a very quick ink sketch on the plane. It's not worth sharing, so I won't (no wait I lied: you can see a bit of it in the corner of the photo below).
The view from our lanai |
I don't normally enjoy landscapes, but this one? This was an absolute delight to paint: sitting in the warm air, smelling the plumeria, listening to a variety of birds chatter, and watching whales spout their little hearts out. And the nice thing about painting a scene rather than photographing it is that you can automatically edit out things like telephone wires and cars.
A quickly sketched impression. |
Did I say a variety of birds? I should have used a capital V: Variety. Hell, maybe even all-caps VARIETY. So many beautiful birds. Pretty sure that if I spent more time in Hawaii I'd turn into a bird-watcher, I was that charmed. I splashed down the color for this little guy, and then added some questionable line work later:
The surrounding splotches were me demonstrating things for the niblings. |
Love that color combo. |
I managed to make it into the ocean every day except the last day (more on that later), so it shouldn't really be surprising that I also spent some time trying to capture it with my brush.
There's even more experimentation over the rest of the page. |
I tried to capture some of the brilliant sunset effect, with considerably less luck. I need to circle back around to this eventually, but it's really had to capture both vivid color
and the bleeding effect. Challenge!
This is the day we drove the Road to Hana. It was
amazing. I swam in so many bodies of water! Hah!
The first place we stopped at was Twin Falls, and I snapped a photo of Malachi that I then sketch-painted once we were back at the condo:
I mean it's not bad, per se, but I craved more definition. |
It just wasn't doing it for me, tho', so I added in some line work to the foreground, and now I like it much better.
Those roots were too cool not to define. |
SUPER king-ish! |
I had a story seed plant itself in my brain this day, but I wasn't in a position to write, so I painted one of the characters, instead. He's the High King. And he's totes gonna' die.
Sorry High King. Don't worry: your baby sister will avenge you. Probably.
The day started out promising, with Nathan and I heading down to the beach at 0700 for our snorkeling date while his sister watched TLG. But instead we had a date that consisted of me spraining my right ankle on an ocean-hidden rock and ripping open my left shin (on the same rock! Talent!) and then driving to get pain killers, hydrogen peroxide, and
so many bandages. ::sigh:: I spent the rest of the day with it propped up, reading my book. I did not sketch, I did not paint. I feel zero guilt over this.
I had hoped to swim the morning before we left, but the previous day's adventures ruled that right the hell out. Damn it. Anyway, Sunday was another 12+ hour travel day, made extra miserable by my inability to carry things or really walk at all (thank goodness for airport wheelchairs!) I didn't even manage a sketch. Again: zero guilt felt.
do, however, have paintings for the past three days, but they're going to have to wait until tomorrow, because Bedtimes, she is a'callin'.