
Pissed Off Pussy

Let me be clear: I am not offended because a man used the word "pussy".  Words are nothing more than sounds that we have assigned meaning to- they are not, in an of themselves, inherently offensive (or inoffensive) things.  If you doubt this, all I have to do is point out that I am perfectly capable of telling someone (in a professional environment, mind you) to fuck right off by using the extremely bland phrase, "Have a great day."  All I have to do is alter my tone and change which words I stress, and what should be a pleasantry becomes a verbal cudgel.  Don't tell me you haven't ever done something similar.

No, what upsets me is not the vocabulary used, but rather the message sent.  I am offended- nay, enraged- by the mindset that believes sexual assault is something to brag about, regardless of the terms used to describe it.  Trump could have said, "Grab them by the vulva," and it would not have made one iota of difference to my reaction (although I might have been momentarily impressed that he actually knew the correct anatomical term).  Why?  Because he is bragging about a crime.  And not a potentially harmless crime, like jaywalking in an empty street.  No, he is bragging about committing a crime that straight up violates another person, an action which, in my personal moral code, is about as horrific as it gets.

Of course, he doesn't actually see women as people: he sees them as animals ("I moved on her like a bitch") or, worse, objects, things that he can do anything he wants to, because he has the power.  And that's what's so wrong with him: not his vulgar vocabulary- his vile attitudes.

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