
Own Your Age

Living in the South as I do, I tend to see a lot of females who are not comfortable with their age. Little girls dressed up like teenagers, teenagers dressed up like adults, older women dressed up like younger women, and still older women who have done everything in their cosmetic power to appear anything but their own age.

It's depressing, it really is.

Why can't we just accept the life stage we're in? I can almost understand, when it comes to the younger females- they know nothing but childhood, so they don't realize that every age has its own blessings in addition to its drawbacks. And anyway they theoretically have parents that should be helping to guide them into age-appropriate actions and apparel. But as far as the adults go... why do they fight their age so hard? What's so wrong with being the age you are?

I want to see more women owning their age. I want to see more women acknowledging the fact that no, 30 is not 20. And 40 is not 30. And 50 is not 30, etc, etc, etc. And that is a good thing. You've already lived through your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s- why on earth would you want to go back? Yeah, it sucks that you're not as spry as you used to be, that your skin isn't as tight and your muscles not as toned- but you know what? You're not as dumb as you used to be, either (one hopes, anyway). You have all this fantastic life experience under your belt now, which you can use to make better decisions and generally lead a happier, healthier life. So why would you want to gripe about that? Why would you want to camouflage where you're at with botox and dye? Why not own those crow's feet? Man, I'm friggin' pleased as hell with my crow's feet. They prove that a) I smile a lot and b) I spend a lot of time outdoors, squinting in the sun. I am proud to call both of those things essential parts of my make-up, and I would never want to hide them.

I know that some people will argue that it's easy for me to talk, when I'm still six months shy of 30 (let alone the higher decades) but my mom feels the same way. Sure, she doesn't like that arthritis is starting to take up residence in her knuckles, but she prefers it to the alternative (you know- not aging because you're dead.) I'm glad that I have her example to counterbalance the women who act as though getting older is the worst possible tragedy that could befall a female.

But then, if you're not gaining any sort of wisdom with your years, maybe it is...

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I was always wondering why I didn't have crow's feet. I smile alot but only in my underground bunker far from the sun.
