
Dead (Wo)Man (Dream)Walking

Last night I dreamed I was a vampire.

Now, this sounds like it's setting up to be a pretty fun/cool dream, but I assure you, Readers: it was not. Rather than being a supernatural being gifted with terrific speed, strength, and canines, I was more like a human cancer patient. I was weak and sickly, and although I didn't know how I'd gotten that way (apparently not important to the dream) it seemed to me that turning me into a vampire was the only thing that was keeping me alive. I was shuffling around in a hospital gown in a dream-version of my mom's house (set up high on a cliff overlooking the ocean- perhaps the Mediterranean?- with lots of windows with white sheers blowing in the breeze. Apparently I wasn't the light-sensitive sort of vampire...), keeping myself alive by sucking down the contents of hospital-style blood-bags. It was really gross to have to drink blood that way, but I could only be grateful that they'd been modified with a little straw for my convenience, I think by my mom (who was my caretaker in the dream, trying to get me well and strong again), so that I wouldn't have to bite into the bags and drink that way.

Speaking of which, I had two sets of horrific bite marks on my left breast, one in the upper, more pectoral-y region, and one on the underside, and with them was a very distinct memory of how incredibly painful it had been to receive those bites (what had turned me into a vampire, I suppose). I kept looking down at them and reliving bracing myself to feel that pain, knowing it would save me.

In case all of this isn't disturbing enough, the dream progressed to me opening my closet and finding three high-heeled shoes in it- two of which contained the severed left feet of two of my best friends. The third shoe belonged to a third best friend, and I knew this meant that at least two of them were dead- and I was full of grief but also desperate to find the one still alive. These grisly mementos had been placed there as a way of warning me off of forming attachments, by pointing out how vulnerable you were if you cared for people. The point being that if I had no attachments, I could put all of my focus on saving the world. But, as I pointed out to my mother, who was trying to comfort me- if I have no attachments in this world, why would I care about saving it?

Yeah- my dreams don't mess around.

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