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All swanky at a Work Event. |
Hey, remember how last time I was all, "turns out I'm really terrible about not mentioning the pregnancy while I blog,"? Well that remains a true statement, hence the extremely extended silence. But I let the fetal cat out of the social media bag this past Sunday, so here I am doing a write-up on the blog. And it's important to me that I start blogging with regularity again, since it's so fun to look back at TLG's first year of life through my in-the-moment lens. I'm trying not to shortchange this new one, whom we are calling Little Brother amongst our little family, but whom I'll call LBB (aka Little Baby Boy) on the blog (for now- the TLG -formerly-known-as-Neeps taught me the folly of expecting pre-birth nicknames to stick).
Now with that out of the way, let's hit the other Typical Questions
-My due date is August 30th (aka 65 days from now) but based on past experience, I'm laying money on August 24th or sooner.
-As you may have surmised, it's another boy! We are freaking stoked, because (as I exclaimed during the anatomy scan) this means we don't have to learn a new set of genitals! Winning. Actually I have a funny story about this- TLG was dead set on having a little sister (he wanted to name her Rosie, of all things) so when we broke the news that Little Brother was, in fact, a little brother, he wailed, "Nooooo!" I got it all on video- priceless. But we talked him around by pointing out that I have a little brother (Uncle David, whom he adores) and Daddy is not just a little brother but the littlest brother, so now he's on board with the idea that little brothers can be cool, and more importantly, little brothers look up to big brothers, who get to teach them All The Things. We'll see how long this enthusiasm lasts once the squirming larva is actually here, but for now I'll take it!
-Just like with TLG, we have no clue what LBB's Real Life name will be. We have a list of names that we'll choose from once we actually meet him, but for now... LBB it is.
-Yes, this is the Last One. Steps Will Be Taken to ensure it, I assure you.
There, that ought to cover it, for now. Here's to our future adventures as a Family of Four!