
ECCC: Day Two

Actually my time at ECCC per se was fairly limited. After Tavish and I went out for breakfast (and I was melodramatically Gluten Free- I do not know what had gotten into me) I dashed in and out of the vendor's hall to exchange my shirt for a smaller size.  And then?  Then Katie and I drove alllll the way out to Stone Gardens to go climbing for a couple of hours before we had to head home.  I am hoping this will encourage her to join my gym so we can go climbing together all the time.
Not my most favorite doodle ever, but at least I did one.
This little Sailor Moon is the half-hearted attempt I made at drawing during the drive home, the result of me gleefully pretending like I was going to subject Tavish to a full explanation of all things Sailor Moon... (which I did not, because I love him) (and the others in the car).

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