We did our best to sleep in decadently late this morning, and yet we
still were wide awake by 0830. Ah well... We made up for it by doing the exceptionally decadent deed of
ordering room service. It just about took my breath away to be so damn frivolous- but when we realized that the service charge for room service was actually less than we typically tip, it seemed like a no-brainer.
Once we'd gotten the car loaded and had checked ourselves out of the hotel, we headed back over to the Washington side of the river to
Columbia Hills State Park- more specifically for the
Catherine Creek hike. Just about the time we were approaching the turn-off, I happened to glance into the back seat- and there was Isis, merrily chewing on her leash.
"Ack!" was my articulate response, and I leaned in to take it away from her- only to discover she'd already
chewed entirely through it.
That's right, Gentle Readers- she managed to ruin her first hike before it even
began. Except that I'm never one to let a little thing like a chewed-leash stop me, and so when we stopped I jury-rigged the hell out of that thing until it passed muster. It was a very
short leash, but at least it worked- and so Isis had her first hike in spite of herself.
I was fortunate that the looped end of the leash also had a D-ring that I could attach to the hook end of the leash- which I in turn attached to the ring on her harness. |
The other chewed-upon end, which was thereafter wrapped tightly around my left hand. |
The creek in question. |
We kept it pretty short- didn't do the whole thing, probably about a mile-and-a-half. But by the end of it the dog was thoroughly pooped- and that, my friends, is always a good thing. She passed out in the back of the car almost as soon as we hit the road, waking up only when we made a stop in Camas for
our most favorite pizza (I had the brain storm to call ahead and have it waiting for us as we drove through).
Zonked. |
And now we're home again, taking a very chill afternoon to mentally and physically prepare ourselves for tomorrow- and the three church services Nathan will be playing in... early bedtime for all!
Initial Colors? Check! |
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