
Son of NaNoWriMo!

Day three. I'm up over 10k words now, which is nice. I'm thinking that if I can keep this pace up, I'll maybe let myself go back in and do some editing after week two, just to keep from dying from personal shame... we'll see. In the meantime: excerpt! Woo!


"...Shall I tell you my story?”

“Please do.” She reached out to hold his hand as he began speaking.

“When the world was much younger, and the gods were choosing who would rule in the Sidereal Courts, I was made crow king. This is when the crows were still a beloved people, admired for their beauty and wit. Those were glorious days- full of fun and laughter, and so much love. Everyone loved us, from the young to the old, mortals and immortals alike.

“And therein lay the problem; some loved us too much. Or rather, loved me to much.

“There was a powerful mage- the nightingale queen- who fell so in love with me she would have no other. But when I could not return her love she grew angry, and in her anger she decided to punish me. She worked a magic that keeps me in my crow form whenever I leave the Sidereal Realms, and turned the Court against me. That I might have born- but she also cursed my crows. She turned the hearts and minds of mankind against them, so that all mortals hate and fear my people unjustly. It is for their sake, if not my own, that I have longed to find and be found by my true love.

“And now you have come at last,” he smiled at her.


  1. Great job so far, Jenny. I'm on pace right over 5,000 words. I'm have the most trouble coming up with names. Thankfully, M has been helping me in that regard. I feel good about it so far, but hope I don't run dry in a week or two.

  2. Good for you, man! Yeah, names can be a tough one- which is why you TOTALLY need to take advantage of baby name websites. Find something you like, or pick one and rearrange some letters: good stuff. Or do what I sometimes do, and name your character something you'd like to name your kid but you know your spouse would NEVER go for ::coughcoughSerenitycough:: If you start to run dry, reach out to your fellow writers! We are here to help keep you motivated. Also, tell us your NaNoWriMo name so we can encourage you over there, too! ;)

  3. Cool cool. Thanks for the kind words. My NaNoWriMo name is coopetd.
