
NaNoWriMo Begins

NaNoWriMo is off to a brilliant start- I churned out a little over 3000 words today, with the idea that if I build up a backlog while I'm feeling the Muse, it won't cause me a panic attack if I don't feel like writing later on. Anyway, when I sat down to do tonight's blog entry Nathan looked at me like I was crazy and said, "You've already written so much! Just post an excerpt!"

So I am.

(Keep in mind this is totally unedited- the only way I can turn out the high word count necessary for this project is to refrain from going back for any reason. Yeah, we'll see how well that works out...)


Serenity often thought she had been misnamed, which was a large reason why she preferred to be called Sera. She wasn’t entirely certain what her parents had had in mind when they’d burdened her with a name that meant “calm”- if they’d hoped that she would be calm, or that she would bring calm to those around her- but whatever the intention had been, she was pretty sure it had failed. Because if there was anything that Sera embodied, it was restlessness. Which is why when it came for her Apprenticeship Years she had no difficulty choosing to go away for them. It’s true she was a little sad to leave her many friends in the village- but she wasn’t too sad, because deep in her soul she knew it was time and past time for her to move on.

Not that she had any real idea where she was to move on to, or even what. But she knew things would work out. They always did, for her. She had never met a stranger- everyone loved Sera, and she loved everyone. Most of the time. Usually. Anyway everyone was always kind to her and always helped her out, and as such she had a particularly benevolent view of the way the world worked.

Sera never stopped to ponder why people were drawn to her- she just accepted it as her due. But the truth is that while she was pretty enough with her clear skin, wide gray-blue eyes, and dark blonde hair she kept cropped at her chin- she was not, strictly speaking, a great beauty. Her nose was too long and her mouth too wide, her torso too short and her hips too narrow- but some sort of inner force came manifested itself in her smile, in her laugh, and people fell all over themselves to be close to her in a way that they did not for some of the more traditionally beautiful girls. Sera was just- charming. And she was charming with very little effort on her part.


  1. I did read the first few paragraphs of this entry and I too got off to what I believe to be a good start. I hit 1673 so I'm at least on pace to make it. I would like to get some extra words in but with my job and lack of writing skill; I think this is going to be a challenge. I would like to comment on the rest but I'm trying not to read anything you're writing in hopes that something doesn't seep into my entry. I already feel like some of my ideas were taking from other works of literature, but M said a little of that was ok. Good luck.

  2. I salute your endeavor to keep your writing pure- I definitely have a very bad habit of sucking up whatever I'm currently reading/watching and regurgitating it on the page. Although as M points out, it IS okay to do that at little bit. Just as long as you do it well... ^_^ You can come back at the end of the month and tell me what you think of these little excerpts... if you like 'em, I'll "let" you be a beta reader for the edited version! ;P In the meantime, what is your NaNoWriMo handle? I want to buddy you!
