It is a lazy day, as far as writing goes. I churned out maybe five-hundred words today (okay, more if you remember that I deleted some, too) but I honestly just wasn't really feeling it. So, with Nathan's encouragement, I decided to be all slacky about it after work(s), and read a book instead of writing on one. It was nice.
I'm missing Nathan. Shocking, I know. But I'm missing him extra-specially much not on my own behalf so much as on his. He's had a rotten couple of days, and I hate that he's away from home. I mean, I hate that his days have sucked regardless of his location, but I especially hate that I'm not around to help make it better.
Is there anything worse than not being able to "make it better" for someone you love? I don't think there is. It's especially terrible to have all these lovely, vengeance-demon plans and know that even if you enacted them, it still wouldn't really fix things. Satisfying and fun, perhaps, but not worth much in the long run. Ugh, stupid spiritual maturation ruins everything (keeping in mind that I use the term "maturation" as an ongoing verb, not an attained noun).
Meh. I'ma get back to reading my book now, where I can be certain that the villains will be punished, and the good guys live happily ever after. And everyone's hat will mark them accordingly.
Hope his day gets more better. And that he makes it back to you quickly.