
My Problems Tell Me My Life is Good

Because the biggest problems in my life right now include things like this:
So basically not a problem so much as an annoyance.

Nathan is far more rage-y about this than I am.  The truth of the matter, however, is that getting rage-y will not help.  And yes, I feel a little sick when I think about all the data I lost (in terms of notes about stories and Crossfit times, etc), but quite frankly I spent some time being rage-y this morning about something else (equally unimportant, in the long run), and I don't have it in me to be rage-y any more.  It's all ephemeral, anyway.

I feel like I've gotten better about this, over the years- better about being able to shrug off the stuff that's really not worth getting upset over (::coughcoughaccidentscough::)  About letting go, in general, and accepting that sometimes things are lost, and that's okay- because nothing can take away the fact that they were there in the first place.

I do try not to argue with the Tao.

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