
Is it Playing if You're Super Serious About It?

Last night Nathan interrupted my True Blood watching to tell me his Grand Idea for a Book.  And I couldn't even be aggravated at the interruption, because Nathan never has story ideas; in fact any time I ask him for help with a story he's all, "I'm not really good at making things up."

Which, by the way, is a total lie, because his idea really was Grand.  So we started brainstorming, and world-building, and you guys it's going to be awesome.  It got me so excited, and so excited to write, that I woke up this morning feeling a bit queasy with the need to put fingers to keyboard.  Screw work, I wanted to get the story out.

But I went to work.  Well, for a few hours anyway, just until my boss showed up, and then I hightailed it out of there because it was dead and I really wasn't feeling well.

Felt better after I got home and started writing', tho'.  But to be fair to the Universe I did stay home from climbing to make it a true "sick day"...

Anyway in terms of a daily doodle this doesn't amount to much, but it's the beginning of something wonderful, I just know it.

What does it all MEAN?!


  1. Ahhhhh. I hope we get to read an excerpt or two (or more) sometime.

    1. You definitely will. It's still in pretty heavy world-and-character-building stage right now, so you'll have to make due with doodles until the words become a little firmer. ;)
