
Puppy Power!

I had my annual review today- would you like to know my "key strengths"?  Sure you would.  I got "exceeds expectations" (four out of five stars) on everything except these four areas, which I got "outstanding" (five out of five) on:

-Attention to Detail

The only one on that list that surprised me (and didn't match my self-evaluation) was "attention to detail".  But hey- I'll take it!  I'll take it independently and with confidence, and then I'll tell you alllllll about it...


This evening we went to our first pit bull puppy romp, and it was fabulous.  There were four dogs there in addition to Isis; a male named Mac that pretty much matched her in age and weight; a smaller male named Wally; his bio sister (not yet adopted) named Maddie; and a more delicate female named Kate.  Mac and Isis immediately became BFFs, because they were able to romp full-force with one another.  Wally and Maddie were more timid, but eventually got in on the action (we were shocked to learn that they are only about two weeks younger than Isis- she is much bigger than them), and little Miss Kate did a lot of running excitedly around the others.  At one point Isis and Mac were wrestling, and suddenly there was a large blossom of blood on Isis's pristine white shoulder.  Mac's mom and Nathan both freaked out a bit (I did not, but then I have more experience with blood than Nathan does), but upon closer investigation it turned out that Mac had just lost a baby tooth and then bled all over Isis- no wound!  So we all had a good laugh about "puppy fight club"...

I added color, which rendered the helpful labels redundant...
One interesting thing that came up during the evening regarding Isis's size- her sire (who was about ten months when she was born) has finally come into his adult weight, and he's up over 80lbs.  So that's pretty darn big for a pit bull, and it may turn out that we have a "large" dog, after all... guess we'll find out!

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