
Physics Does Not Work This Waaaaaay!

I am a frustrated woman.  Frustrated.  I have been working towards being able to do a full-on pull-up, and I've gotten super-close.  In fact, if I do a little cheat-start (ie, jumping up to grab the bar) I can totally do one (maybe even more than one??).  But I don't want to do it from a cheat-start, I want to do it for realsies, no fakesies.  So I work on it, as one does when one is determined to do a thing, and one of the ways I work on it is to do dead-hangs at the the rock gym.  So I was doing that today, and I thought, "What the hell- I will try a pull-up."

And then I did a pull-up.  And then I kept going into a second pull-up.


I was so excited by this accomplishment that I took a break and then did it again- and then when Nathan showed up to pick me up I made him watch me do it.  Excited, I tell you.

So what did I do when we got home?  Why, I tried to replicate the feat on our pull-up bar while Nathan took a video for posterity, of course (that's what people do when they find they can do cool things, right?).  I thought maybe I'd finally accomplished it because I'd had my hands so close together on the hand-hold, so when I tried it on our pull-up bar I put my hands next to one another instead of at shoulder-width.  I used a chair to get up, then let myself hang, and began to flex my totally awesome muscles.  I got halfway up...

...and no further.

That's right, I frickin' failed.  Failure!  Unacceptable!  And caught on frickin' video!  (And swiftly deleted, I assure you...)  And I was left frustrated and bewildered because... because I did it.  I did it multiple times, at the rock gym.  So why can't I do it at home?

The only rational solution I can come up with?

Physics works differently at my house.  Or maybe at the Source.  Anyway the physics, it apparently varies from region to region.  Super-annoying.

(the origin of my cool-kid title quote)

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