
(Punchline! Get It??)

There is not much writing in me at the moment, because it is all given over to being sick and miserable. Not so sick and miserable as I was this morning, to be certain, and nowhere near so sick and miserable as my poor, crippled-immune-system-husband, but still. So rather than try to dazzle you with my prose, I will dazzle you with the same quick wit I was entertaining the medical staff with at the clinic (note: if you follow me on Facebook you've already read the punchline. Sorry...)


A man and his wife are sitting in a private waiting room, she on the examination table, he in the "extra" chair. He, as he is wont do to, had just said something that he deserves to be smacked for.

"I am going to punch you," says his wife, doing her best to glare at him. It is not particularly effective, given her weakened state. He raises an eyebrow at her, an eyebrow that says, And just how do you propose to do that? She holds up a clenched hand and continues, "I need you to walk into my fist."

1 comment:

  1. Sending well feelings to you both. I'm guessing that you're both sick because we haven't seen you in so long. Let's do something to fix that and get you better. ;-)
