
Happy August, By the Way

I'm stumped for what to write about tonight. Although I enjoyed Nathan's photo, it didn't really inspire a story seed. And although part of me is tickled as hell at the fact that someone came across my blog by googling the term "impossible cock", I can't find much of an entry in that, either (although Nathan pointed out that I could write about "plausible cocks" instead, which is kind of tempting... you know, totally believable roosters. Might be boring for non-chicken fanciers, tho'.)


The past few days just absolutely flowed from my fingers to the screen, with very little effort on my part. I assume it's because I was writing about surfing, and I've never had any difficulties writing about surfing, or feeling inspired to write about surfing. It may just be that my true calling is a journalist for a surfing magazine. Maybe I ought to submit something one of these days... I've got quite a bit to choose from, and most of it's pretty damn well written.

Maybe the trick isn't so much writing what you know as writing what you love.

Of course, if I stuck only to that rule you'd end up with endless variations on the theme of Nathan's beard, and nobody wants that. Well, Ben, maybe.

Also? It was 102 in Birmingham today, never mind the heat index (which was like 118). We're under an "excessive heat warning" through Thursday. And no convenient ocean to jump in. Bleh. Come on, Universe! Let's align on some fabulous PNW jobs...


  1. Yes, because it's 65 and partly sunny here. And nearer to the ocean for you. All signs point NW...
