
Engage Whine

This should have been a really good day- and I'm not saying it was a bad day, mind you, but there are definite changes I might have requested.

It started out with me going to the doctor with Elizabeth, for one of her "Dude I'm Totally Pregnant" checkups. That was neat and interesting, especially listening to the baby do what I'm pretty sure were spin-kicks in her uterus. Probably much more fun for me to listen to than for her to experience. Anyway while I was there with her my boss called to let me know not to come into work- the air conditioning had broken again and the coldest part of the office was like 90 degrees. Yech. But yay unanticipated three-day weekend! (I mentioned to Elizabeth that I had written just such a thing into my story the night before, and she told me I'd better start writing more! I suggested a lotto-winning scene, and said she thought that would do nicely...)

Faced with such freedom, Elizabeth and I elected to hit the Pig and pick up some cinnamon rolls (we are thrifty- we got five for the price of what one would cost at a specialty shop!), then came back over to my place to make it smell good. After that indulgence she headed back home, and I found myself overcome with tiredness... not to mention that my stupid clavicle started to flair up again.

It's been aching since about Thursday or so, but today the pain crept all the way up my neck to the back of my right ear, and all the way down my arm to my wrist, and all the way down my back to the bottom of my shoulder-blade. What's worse is that the pain was starting to come in waves accompanied by nausea, which is never pleasant. This combined with the sudden sleepiness resulted in me curling up in a pathetic ball on the couch while Nathan worked, and eventually crawling into bed to sleep for a few hours. (Nathan helpfully let the cats into the bedroom to give me a little fuzz therapy- they were very sweet.)

I got out of bed around four and realized that it would probably behoove me to get someone to cover my six o'clock BodyFlow class, since there was no way in hell I'd be able to do plank or any other weight-bearing exercise. I started putting out pleas, but unfortunately it was so last minute that everyone was already committed to something else. So I slapped on a pain patch (left over from the Great Foot Incident of 2009), popped more pain pills, firmly told my nausea to shut the hell up, and went to go teach my class.

Fortunately the pain lessened enough that I was able to teach, although it was low options for everyone! Fortunately I have a really great class of regulars- I explained what was going on with my shoulder region and they were very understanding. They even teased me about running to get a trash can or something if I looked like I was going to hurl. I reassured them that I have an Iron Jaw.

By the end of class the pain started to flare back up again (along with the really weird nausea), but I was so grateful it had stayed low for the majority of the hour that I almost didn't care. The thing is, at its worst the pain is what I would call maybe a seven, so the nausea is weird to me because normally nausea is something reserved for like a nine or ten. It's less like the pain is causing the nausea, and more like the nausea is just accompanying the pain, if that makes any sense.

Anyway I shouldn't whine so much, because at least I have a very sweet husband who has offered to massage it (he has theories regarding nerve pinching). And at least I didn't have to sit in a horrible hot office while dealing with it. And I got to hear my nephew's heart beat all crazy funky whoa, and had tasty cinnamon rolls with my sweet sister-in-law. So really it was a good day, and the pain can just suck it.

(...and now for a new pain patch...)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get to feeling better. Did sound like you had a very eventful day.
