
Judith Slays Holofernes, Pt II

I'm doing my best to get up early so that I can work out and then write.  We'll see how that goes as the month progresses.  My hope is that this will be my New Routine, and thus I'll be able to bring writing back to a more prominent role in my life.  I miss it.  Anyway, on to story!


By the time we had organized our Council-in-Exile enough to check back in on this newest Potential, a full year had passed, and the Scryers informed us she was betrothed to a man of great local power and influence.  There was no way to get to her in time to prevent the marriage, and so a new strategy had to be come up with, one involving a female Watcher.


I expected the Elders to put up more of a fuss about it, but I suppose when your quiver has been depleted, you are thankful for what few arrows remain.  And at any rate their attention was divided now between the newly Called Slayer in Egypt, and discussions of establishing a new capital for our activities.

I was given a crash-course in how to get along with Jews without offending them overmuch (they have too many rules to possibly be considered rational, but when one has spent a lifetime studying the intricacies of magic, I suppose a few dietary restrictions aren’t really that bad), provided with documents announcing I was a “bridal gift” from a far-flung family member, and sent on my way.

I will admit, it rankles to be taking the role of servant, especially to a Jewess, but it is my Sacred Duty to educate, guide, and protect her until she is Called, and there is no other way of getting close to a married woman.  Woman! Girl. She is younger than I am by more than a decade. Her people claim there is only one God, when I myself have personally spoken with at least three- none of whom bear any sort of resemblance to their desert sky king.  Still, I must remind myself there is the potential to learn in all situations, even this one, and a field assignment is a doorway to greater success within the Council. Besides, if she is Called, she is not likely to survive long, and then I will get to return and help rebuild the Council, and perhaps even teach young Watchers, myself.  Of course, if she doesn’t survive long that won’t be much credit to me as a Watcher, I suppose. Which means I’d better make sure she gets over the strange Jewish squeamishness surrounding blood, or at the very least dies doing something important.

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