
The Mom is Back in Town

So my mom has been in the great PNW for the past two weeks, and before she came up we had such glorious plans for hanging-out-times... but they all went tits-up in the face of my grandmother's surgery.  So we adjusted our plans so that I'd come up there, instead... which in turn went tits-up in the face of my dramatic landing-fail.  Which means that I have seen very little of my mother, and she flies back home tomorrow.

But I got to spend allll day with her today, which makes me a very happy O, indeed (as does the phrase "tits-up", in case you were wondering).

One of the main things I'd planned for us to during her visit was to work in the garden- that is to say, for her to supervise me working in the garden, telling me what needed to be done while I provided the grunt work, all whilst jabbering pleasant mommy-daughter jabbers.  I would have made her iced drinks, even.


As it turns out, sprained ankles do not lend themselves particularly well to scut work, and when you add to that the fact that today was Not a Good Day in terms of pain/swelling... well, again things did not go as planned.


My mother is the very best mother in the world, and she decided that she was going to do what garden/yard work she could in a few hours, while I sat there like a fair-skinned slug.  I was a semi-productive slug, however, because as she trimmed back the rosemary bushes out front, I haphazardly tied the best cuttings into bunches to be dried.  And I felt bad that it was me sitting while she worked, but I also felt incredibly happy that she's willing to do that for me, to make my life a little easier and more pleasant after what has been a rather disappointing set of weeks.
I did not actually have a pillow... but then my mom DOES actually have lower legs, so hey- artistic license.

Believe me, Gentle Readers- I am completely cognizant of and grateful for the awesomeness that is my family.


  1. I have lower legs? When did that happen? ;-) Love you, too.
    Anonymous Mom

  2. Not like that 'Breaking Bad' family at all.

    1. You know, Nathan really likes that show, but I can't bring myself to watch it- I saw about thirty minutes of one episode and was so traumatized that I knew it just wasn't for me. I'm sure it's excellent work, but I prefer a little less darkness in my entertainment. <=)
