
Isis Out of Character

My dog hates being brushed.  Hates it.  And yet...
Why you no protest?
 ...the whole thing has me very nervous...


  1. Rocco has always put up a pretty big fit when I brushed him. I tried every different kind of brush I could get my hands on to see if that would make a difference. Alas, no, it did not. But I've kept at it pretty regularly, and it has gotten better and better. He's been shedding profusely for the duration of the summer trying to be rid of his super-thick, sorta-long winter undercoat. As of now in waning August, the process is nearly complete, just in time for the temps to start dropping down enough for him to miss his insulation! Oh, the humanity of the vicious cycle of infinite hairballs of doom! Hopefully, Isis will be increasingly more tolerant with the grooming necessities. I imagine she has more patience than most people!

    1. Heh, there is a follow-up illustration to this one that I did not post, wherein Isis gives a great sigh, looks at the hair I'd been piling in front of her, looks at me, looks back at the hair, and then casually uncurls her tongue to eat it before I fully understood her intentions. Because that is exactly what she did. Silly animal.
