
Appropriate Time! AND Place!

You know, you can overhear some pretty disturbing things in the locker room.

For instance, today I overheard what might have been a very moving tale of the pain and frustration associated with the inability to conceive a child. Might have been, that is, if the woman hadn't been hollering at the top of her lungs about how unfair it is that "that piece of trash bitch" (who was apparently smoking and also a meth addict? Maybe?) is pregnant while she (the hollerer) can't have kids. She also might have been a more sympathetic character had she not gone on to announce to her conversational partner that, "You or I would pay anything for that child, no matter the condition it's in," which sounds okay except she followed it up with, "It will probably just be trashy garbage, anyway." (Trash seemed to be a recurring theme with her.)

Oh my.

Now, I would never pretend to understand the heartache of being unable to have a baby when you desperately want one. But my goodness- maybe there are better ways to channel your energies than being top-volume vicious in a public place. A public naked place, I might add, which always makes private discussions that much more awesome to overhear.

Perhaps it was my mostly-nude expression of scandal that drove them out (I mean, how bad do you have to be for the local tattooed-lady to be shooting you disapproving looks from the corner of her eyes, eh?) but they did eventually leave... and went as far as the front lobby, where I passed them on my way out, still sniping loudly.

Way to keep it appropriate, ladies.

In other, more awesomer news, Nathan is home and he took a photo on the long drive back from South Carolina that I totally approve of! Check it out!


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