
Random Brain Blurbs? Sure, Why Not...

I love the smell of spring in the South (pollen count notwithstanding). Summer, too, for that matter. It was one of the only things (emphasis on things rather than people) I missed while I was living in the northwest. There are many wonderful scents up there, but none of the flowers can even begin to compare to the riot of jasmine, honeysuckle, and magnolia that takes over the warm summer nights here in the Heart of Dixie.

My brain is a little bit all over the place tonight- I've been in a rather Industrious mood, which means things are getting checked off my To Do list with abandon, but the fact of the matter is that I just spent about four hours working on a stupid play list for my H2O Bootcamp tomorrow night, and I'm really starting to question my sanity. Don't get me wrong- I like making play lists (never would have lasted so long as a DJ, otherwise) but it does bring a certain level of irritation to it when I also have to figure out choreography for the darn thing. And this is the third one I've made since January. And I only get paid like $15 a class (if that- I haven't seen a paycheck in few weeks, and I'm about to bring it up with the Powers That Be). What is wrong with me??

Anyway, putting so much time and effort into that thing means that I didn't get to the spate of other things on the To Do list for the evening (although Nathan sweetly did a few for me) which makes me feel a bit grumpy. And I'm supposed to have read the first ten chapters of Moby Dick by tomorrow, and I haven't even finished the first five.

Also, I haven't been drawing lately, so when I tried to render Sallie the other day it came out embarrassingly awful. Why do we have to practice our skills? Why can't they just stay sharp always, ready to come out and play whenever I want them?

Whine whine whine.

I think I'm done for now. Hopefully we'll return to our regularly scheduled program of useful writing tomorrow... (also, I like Nate's picture today so I shall link to it, in spite of lacking the energy to write it the short story it deserves...)


  1. random as they may be, I tend to enjoy these posts because they make your life sound as crazy as mine is :) and I too like Nathan's image for today!

  2. Interesting read today. Glad you are getting things off your list, though not as many as you had hoped. At least you have a to-do list, I have more of a "things-I-do-daily" list.
