
Pink By Any Other Name

She lay on her back in the flowers, watching sunlight turn their petals to sheerest silk.

No sooner had she had this whimsical thought than a small, glittering movement in the corner of her vision caught her eye. She was too warm and comfortable to move, but she let her gaze slide ever so slowly to the left, to see what it was.

I've fallen asleep in the sunshine, she thought dreamily as the fairy fussed over the pale pink petals of the tallest flower, its face a mask of irritation. I've fallen asleep, and now I'm dreaming of the wee folk. How lovely! She wanted to giggle, but it didn't quite manage to manifest.

The fairy muttered something under her breath, and it took a moment for the girl to realize that the tinkling sound of its voice was actually a rather filthy string of expletives. Again, she wanted to giggle, but again she did not.

"Thistledown!" the fairy shrieked, stamping its tiny foot. "Thistledown you promised my dress would be done in time for the ball tonight, but look, just look at this!" A second fairy appeared.

"My lady, it will..."

"It will not! Look at the color on this! I specifically told you I wanted baby pink, and these are obviously cherry blossom pink!"

"Technically speaking," the girl offered, "I believe they're tulip pink." The fairies turned towards her, faces horrified.

"And white," she added as an afterthought.

(Tulips in the Sun )


  1. very nice. whimsical and funny and short. everything an ADD persona can ask for :D

  2. Sometimes I have to remind myself that not every entry needs to be two word pages long... glad to know it's appreciated when I do! ;)
