
Man, Unmade

(you have left me)

not even a shell
blackened and abandoned
you have not even left me
that much

(not even that)

where will they go
the undying ghosts
of our too-young-to-die love?
what is there left for them (for us)

to haunt?

i sift the sand of this twisted ruin
(examine it)
watch it stream through my fingers
back into the pile.

was it Time that did this?

(callous Time
who devoured his own

was it Time
bearing down on my head
(wearing away at your heart)
turning me
reducing me
to this


by my maker
(by my destroyer)
i sit in the lonely remnants
of what was once a man
(who loved you)
as i wait for the one
who will bury me

(and our ghosts)

(Man Unmade)

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