
Updates and Composting

My articles and illustrations were received with as much enthusiasm as my query letter, so hopefully sometime this summer I'll be able to officially refer to my work as, "As seen in!"  Hah, I slay me... now I just need to get paid to write something... baby steps, O, baby steps...

Read two excellent books recently.  I just today finished The Way of Kings (Sanderson), which was so, so satisfying.  Sometimes you read a book and you get to the end and it's not particularly believable and you think, "Eh, well, it's made up so whatever."  But not this book- no, this book remained true to itself.  The ending was exactly as it should be.  The same is true of the book I read earlier this week- Across the Universe (Revis).  That one is Young Adult scifi, and just fun.

As for my own writing, I've been tooling around with a story seed from about five months ago, about a super-weak vampire.  Maybe you remember it?  It was based on a rather disturbing dream I had.  Anyway since that time it's evolved quite a bit, until I hit a snag in my world-building that had me stuck for a few weeks... but today I woke up and the solution just popped into my brain, which was a relief I tell you what.  So I was able to pound out about two-thousand words of world/plot-building/refining, until I hit another couple of snags, but they are the sorts of snags I fully expect Nathan to be able to help me with when he gets home.  He is so good for that sort of thing...

But maybe you'd like to know how things have developed?  Here,  have a quick update...

Pippa, her father, and her three (yeah it was two before but now it's three) brothers are in a horrible car wreck that kills all the males, and leaves Pippa clinging to life by a thread.  Pippa's mother (who, unbeknownst to Pippa, is actually fae) strikes a deal with a vampire: the vampire turns Pippa in exchange to access to her mother's blood (fae blood being a particularly valuable commodity to vampires).  Because of Pippa's half-blood nature, the fae half of her blood tries to reject the vampirism, which results in the cancer-patient-like status.  But of course she gets better(ish) eventually (it would be a terribly boring story if it was just her laying around being ill- I'm no Lurlene McDaniels) and that's when the vampires reveal that as far as they're concerned the "blood" of their bargain referred to Pippa herself.  They have a use for someone with her unique status...

Anyway on to other things in my life that are not fictional.

When I first started hooping, my great goal was to be able to go and practice down in the park without humiliating myself.  Well, as of this past Sunday I have achieved that goal.  It was such a gorgeous day that I packed up my backpack full of fun (books, etc), grabbed my hoop, and headed down to the park, where I plugged in my earbuds and proceeded to play for almost an hour.  At first I was a little self-conscious, but then I became overwhelmed by the people smiling at me- and not pity-smiles, either: more like "good for you" smiles.  So.  That was a Goodness in my life.

We leave Birmingham in less than a month.  That is more than a little freaky.  We are maybe two boxes away from having all the books packed up, and I've begun breaking down the shelves.  Our AAA cards came in the mail today, and I've created our Road Trip Itinerary.  According to my To-Do list there's really not that much left beyond getting Nathan's car checked out, selling mine, and packing up all our stuff.

You know, little things like that...  ::sigh::

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