
I Could Use a Story

Chatting with a friend of mine online tonight, and he asked me to tell him "a good story from about ten years ago". I dug around in my brain, and this is the cleaned-up/lightly edited version of what I came up with (although to be fair it's less of a story and more of a stream-of-consciousness regarding a particular subject):

"Ten years ago i was a freshman in college, and there was a girl on my floor who was convinced that I was a devil-worshiper. I have no idea why- maybe 'cos I was pagan at that time.

"She also thought that the girl who would become my best college friend was a scary uber-Christian- which was about as far from the truth as you could get. She is actually more what some might call new-age, but she's not particularly in your face about it. So she and I kind of have a demon/angel gag running about the two of us...

"The other girl was the kind of kid whose parents had never let her do ANYTHING when she was younger, so she went a little ape-shit when she got to college. Didn't do very well with the who freedom/lack-of-authority thing. Did stupid ass things like going to "watch" the riots in Seattle and ended up getting tear-gassed. She was kind of dumb, but I really think it was her parents' fault for sheltering her so hard core. I went to a few raves with her, and I swear she had no common sense(I am assuming that by that point she'd figured out I wasn't a devil-worshipper).

"But raves- man, raves were something else.

"I miss them, to tell the truth. Not so much the dressing up like an idiot (although a little) and definitely not having to deal with people rolling on XTC, but the dancing.

It was my first experience with people who danced not to look cool but because they LOVED to dance. And I loved to dance- and they accepted me and I accepted them and it was nothing but the pulse and the rhythm and the flowing of bodies and hearts and minds and life and energy and sex (because sex is life) and being fully in my skin, but also outside of it, part of something greater. Dancing is conjuring, it's universe-constructing. It's sacred and and earthy and holy and filthy and everything and nothing.

"There was no negative judgment at those things, and I loved it.

"Unfortunately it couldn't last. They started to get more main-stream/commercial, and therefor more expensive, and more likely for some asshole to do things like put drugs in the water supply, or sneak in a gun. I stopped going to big raves- but I'd still go to house-party raves, whenever I could.

"Man, I used to dance for literally hours, stopping only for a quick swallow of water.

"I miss that."

(This conversation eventually led into a longer, deeper one about Passions, but I think I will save that and tool it into something actually polished and good, for later. Lots of food for thought, in that one.)

(In unrelated news, I was back at the doctor again today. More drugs, still no definite diagnosis. Sometimes I swear I just want to go to medical school myself to I can skip over paying people a couple hundred dollars to tell me they don't know what's wrong...)

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