
New Neighbors

"Do you think they're nice?"

"I don't think it matters if they're nice, because we're not going to talk to them.  We're not even going to let them see us.  In fact, we ought to leave now."

"Pssh, don't be such a nymph.  They're too busy carrying stuff to notice us.  Nobody said anything about not watching them."

"It's implied."

"Oh it is not.  Anyway you can leave if you want to.  Then there won't be any witnesses."

"Witnesses for what?"

"Doesn't matter- you won't be here."

"Fine.  I'll stay.  But only to keep you out of trouble!"

"...I like the look of that one."

"Which one?"

"The female.  Look at her eyes- she has proper eyes, all slanty like ours."

"So does the male."

"Yeah, but he looks grumpy.  She looks... like she still believes in fairies."

"Don't be ridiculous.  You know the grown ones never believe in fairies."

"That one does.  I can tell."

"You'd better hope she doesn't.  The last thing we need is for her to recognize signs of our presence.  Then we'd have to move again, and I like it here."

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