
Frustrations and Bad Habits

Here is what "closing on the house" meant in my brain:

We show up at the house, we sign papers, we get the keys.  Hooray!

Here is what "closing on the house" actually meant.

We showed up at the title loan company, we signed papers, we... came back to our apartment and do some more packing.  Because the closing paperwork has to be processed.  Which could not happen the same day that we signed because the cut-off time was 1:30, and we didn't finish everything until closer to 2:00

So no house for us until some time Monday.  Which is... somewhat aggravating, to say the least.

In the meantime I've become shamelessly infatuated with MTV's 16 and Pregnant.  I know, I know... I'm not proud.  But seriously- that show is fascinating.  It's such an interesting study of different psyches... not to mention I definitely get to feel smug and superior when I watch it.  So... that's probably not the most healthy thing in the world for my psyche.  Not to mention there are way better things I could be doing with my time.

...like packing...

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