
Responsible Writing

I may have mentioned this a time or forty, but lately I've been working on rewrites/expansions (with the goal of having my second draft done by July).  In fact that's what I'm about to settle in and work on after I finish this blog entry (I've been informed by more than one person that they miss my daily updates- I've made a promise to try and be more consistent).  Anyway, as part of the whole "rewrite" process, I'm working from feedback given to me by my beloved Alpha readers, and one of them mentioned that I'd failed to mention any sort of birth control, even tho' I imply that Sexy Times are occurring.  Seeing as how I am a Big Fan of representing responsible intercourse (I could have kissed Pat Rothfuss for his portrayal of a male taking responsibility in The Wise Man's Fear), I gave it some thought and figured out how to work in a bit of contraception.  I did actually wrestle with whether to go for the tried-and-true-fantasy-trope of hebs, or be bold and go for a barrier method, but since my story is set in a time that more or less equates (technologically) to 18th century western Europe (yes yes, I know- chemical-soaked linens and the like... and yet), I decided to stick with herbs.  And made the executive decision that there are no STDs (or are they STIs these days?) in this universe- or, if there are, that the herbs protect against them, too.  Not that I mention that aspect in the book... but just so you know for yourselves.  (There are certain perks to inventing world whole-cloth, and I intend to take advantage of them.)

My point being, here is the scene I added in an attempt to be a (slightly more) responsible author...


“Hold up a moment, will you?  I need to dash into the apothecary’s real quick.”

Sera halted Gert and gave Layclin a puzzled look.  “Why?  Are you sick?”

“Not if I can help it,” snorted the other girl, and dashed into the shop.  Sera scowled and hunched up closer to Gert’s warm flank.  The rain was bordering on snow, and even a short delay from getting back to the studio was irritating- never mind the trouble they’d be in if Himself heard about them using shop time for personal errands.  A few moments later Layclin returned, tucking a small packet into her pocket.

“What’s that?” Sera asked as they started walking again.

“Just some maiden’s root.  I was getting low.”

Maiden’s root?”

“Good grief, girl- I can’t tell if you’re more scandalized or fascinated.  Don’t tell me you don’t have your own supply, little miss man-crazy.”

“Of course not!  We’re not allowed to be… doing things… like that.”

“Doing things like preventing babes?”

“Doing things that lead to the need to prevent babes!” Sera snapped.

Layclin rolled her eyes.  “Oh please.   Technically the rule that we’re not to fraternize with our fellow apprentices- which I’m not, thank you very much.  Nobody ever said anything about what we should or shouldn’t be doing with journeymen fishers.”  She winked at Sera, but then grew sober.  “You really ought to have your own supply, Sera.  I’ve seen the way Riamac looks at you when he thinks no one else is looking.”

“I think that maiden’s root is making you hallucinate,” Sera muttered, but her face was burning.


...aaaaand then later I make mention of Sera making a trip to the apothecary and ta da!  No babies.

And now?  Back to work.  I have to rework bit of scenery, now.  Wheee!

PS Thought I might mention that three separate people have walked into my living room and commented on the "red wall", so possibly I'm not as bad a wife as I'd feared.

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