

Whenever you read about psychics, or see a movie about them or whatever, they have really cool powers. Useful powers. Things like Seeing the future, or the past, or even the present- but the present hundreds of miles away. They can read minds, or move objects, or even light stuff on fire. Sometimes they can do all these things.

...but I am not that kind of psychic.

Sure, I have the third eye- apparently it's genetic, thanks Mom- but do you think it lets me See anything particularly awesome? No it does not. Do you know what it lets me See? It lets me see Light and Dark.

Now, I will admit it's slightly more cool that normal eyes, which only see light and dark. Notice the lack of capitals. Yeah, my third eye taps into Light and Dark, proper nouns- specifically the amount of each that you have in your soul- or whatever it is you want to call the thing that differentiates you from a corpse. What I'm saying is, I can tell whether or not you're good or evil just by looking at you.

And yeah, that sounds pretty good- maybe even useful, if one is prone to attracting the Wrong Sorts of People- but the truth of the matter is that most people? Neither good nor evil. Nope, just a nice balance of Light and Dark, maybe shading to one direction or the other, but not really enough to make them demons or angels (the existence of which, by the way, I choose to reserve judgment on). Even at my school, the kids are mostly in the middle. Yeah yeah, I know, I know- if I didn't have this Sight I, too, would swear that the vast majority of adolescents are pure evil- but they're not. They're just... hell, I don't know what they are. That's the other problem with this little "gift" of mine. It just shows me what is, not why it is. Which means I don't have any insights into the whole Nature vs Nurture thing, which is too bad, because I'm actually kind of fascinated by psychology.

But I digress.


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