

I started watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles today. Many of my friends had recommended it to me, and since it's now available on demand on Netflix I decided to give it a shot. I've seen Terminator, and have enough of a grasp of T2 and T3 that I figured I'd be able to follow along without too many difficulties (plus I have the advantage of being able to poke Nathan for explanations). Turns out I was right- I'm about eight episodes in (don't judge me too harshly- I was doing other things like embroidering and eating while watching) and I am just absolutely loving the heck out of it.

What fascinates me about the show is that it's a fine example of our modern mythology. You know what I'm talking about- epic stories that were told by one person, but then were initially told by others, and still others, all in different media- stories that eventually take on lives of their own. Superman. X-Men. Even (dare I say it?) The Chronicles of Narnia (my brother-in-law has argued this point with me, but that's another post entirely). Sure, there is the Original Version, but that's almost beside the point now, because these stories have been retold and become so internalized by recent generations that we each have our own personal mythology surrounding them. I'm pretty sure that Harry Potter will soon follow suit.

It's wonderful tho, isn't it? Someone has an idea for a story- they tell that story. And if it has that magical spark, if it somehow manages to resonate with enough people, a whole different universe grows out of it. A more complex and beautiful creation than any author could possibly envision... shared creation. Lovely.

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