

I’ll be spending the next few days in Florida with my Mom, visiting my dad’s side of the family. I’m not really sure what my internet-availability will be like, but rest assured I’ll write every day and post it all when I get back. That’s right, cats and kittens: a return to the Travelogue…

I’m pretty stoked about this trip, for a number of reasons. For starters I’m looking forward to seeing that part of my family. I haven’t seen them since December, which is a pretty short interval as my family measures these things, but still… once Nathan and I move back up to the PNW, who knows how often I’ll get this opportunity.

Reason number two is that I’ve never been on a road trip with just my mom and myself before. Well, not in within the bounds of my memory, at any rate. I’m sure my mom could rattle off some trip she took with me when I was two, but that doesn’t count. The drive to Jacksonville will be seven or eight hours (depending on who does the majority of the driving ::cough::) which means plenty of time for us to get into all sorts of topics without fear of interruption. This is a good thing: I enjoy long conversations with my mother.

But the reason that (perhaps shamefully) eclipses all the rest is this: I’m bringing Ruli, and she and I are going to dance again.

It suddenly occurs to me that you may not know who (or, rather, what) Ruli is. She’s my 8’6” mini long board, the great love of my life (after Nathan, of course). And she’s been propped up against my wall, hibernating, since my lonely road-trip to Charleston in March of ’08. That’s right- I haven’t been surfing in almost two and a half years. That is a long damn time. A long, long time.

But rather than let myself wander into the grey and gloomy region of my brain that counts how many days it’s been since I’ve been immersed in salt water, I shall instead focus on the fact that tomorrow- tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow- I can reset that counter.


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