
My Thumb is Sore

In the past, had I started out an entry with the above phrase, you could pretty much guarantee it would be an entry about gaming. But not tonight, Josephine. No, tonight my thumb is sore because I've been piercing many tiny holes in card-stock, using a correspondingly tiny needle.

You may wonder (and rightly so) what would possess me to do such a thing- and the answer, my friends, is Embroidery. Yes, embroidery- I decided it would be excellent fun to embroider a card (specifically one of my left-over wedding invitations) and then send it along to a friend of mine with whom I exchange that sort of hand-crafted thing. What I didn't realize when I made the decision to attempt this craft was that not only would it be excellent fun, but I would absolutely love it. Yep, I just about don't even want to bother embroidering on fabric anymore, because embroidering on paper is just so much more awesome. I'd already been toying with embroidering canvas (specifically canvas that I've painted/drawn on), and while I still think I'll experiment with that, I get the feeling I will remained enamored of this paper method. And do you know, it's not even the way it looks so much (although it does look pretty awesome) as the way it feels. I really enjoy having added a subtle, textural element to Nathan's drawing. I like that I can close my eyes and still get a feel for the art. But then I guess that makes sense- I'm the girl in the art galleries with her hands firmly shoved in her pockets, to keep from feeling the brush-strokes on the paintings.

(I apologize for the lack of photo with this post- for starters the card isn't finished yet, and for seconders the intended recipient reads this blog [I think], and I don't want her to see it before she... well, sees it. I'll post a photo it once it gets where it's going, promise!)


  1. Ok, I'll be awaiting a photo. Sounds like loads of fun though.

  2. Definitely waiting for the photo! =)
