
Phrases You'd Never Have Thought You'd Say

"Are you being a naughty rat baby?" amongst them.

Well, Zelda and Camilla have come to stay. Zelda is currently rooting around the inside of my hoodie (the safest place for her "out of cage" time when there are kittehs about) while Camilla continues her nap inside the cage (I don't believe in forcing them to socialize if they're not feeling it). Camilla tends towards the naps, I find- yesterday she was perfectly content to curl up around my neck and snooze. It was sweet. But not our intrepid Zelda, oh no- she is living up to her namesake, exploring whatever I will give her access to.

Kink does not seem to (pardon the pun) give a rat's ass about the newest additions to the household. Krumps, on the other hand, is just waiting for the moment I wane in vigilance. She does not seem to care that I tell her it's wrong to eat your baby sisters. Older siblings, I swear.

So tonight was my second time teaching H2O Bootcamp. It went smoother this time- and at the end of it Nathan said he wanted to vomit, so I take that as a good sign... (that's right- he came out to support me. What a good husband!) Monday will be my first day Shadowing a Flow instructor- which gives me an excellent excuse to go buy new workout clothes! Woo!

Anyway I'm exhausted. I plan on getting a lot of writing done tomorrow, so hopefully there will be something more creative for you guys to read (I mean, if you're reading. Whoever you are.) Time to put this rat baby to bed!

(Ratquiem for a Dream)

PS Of course I put one down and the other one wants up. Camilla is currently poking her little rat head out of my sleeve, attempting to help me typeh...r vh eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bu uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp/p/ p

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