
Day Two of the Bear

Well I didn't puke during presentation (or even after) so I'm willing to call this day a win. ^_^

I now have a new track to learn tonight- and this one will not be as "easy" as the first one, for two reasons: the first because it's not a song that I already know and love and am familiar with the counts of, and the second because it's abs, which means pilates, which means argh. ::sigh:: Ah well...

I slept so well last night- I was thoroughly exhausted that I literally could not process information. I tried to read an email pertaining to our upcoming trip to England, and it was like the words were just sliding off my grey matter... I haven't been like that since college.

Now Nathan and I will settle down to some delicious roasted vegetables (with whole-grain pasta!) and then? Oh, it's study-time!

(It's really nice to have him here with me, actually- he was surprisingly helpful when it came to helping me discern musical cues. My handsome musician...)

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