
Back in Action(ish)

Okay, so I've had two blissful weeks wherein I did not stress about creating, scanning, or uploading any illustrations.  It's been pretty nice.  But I find myself formulating blog entries in my head as I walk/drive around, which means it's time to get back in the updating-saddle.  Not that I have anything stellar to say (or post) today- I just wanted to break radio-silence (and update the "About" section to reflect the current lack-of-theme).

The theory was that this year's 365 project would be bettering my Spanish (with an eye to a 2014 trip to Spain)- but so far that hasn't happened, um, at all.  And to be frank I'm not surprised- having completed two 365 projects now, I feel pretty secure stating that I'm not cut out to do them back-to-back.  So.  Sporadic-Spanish-brush-up, at best.  And probably not much chatter about it here on the blog.

I'm thisclose to finishing rewrites on Sleeping Beauty- which means it will go off to my lovely Betas soon (although honestly what I want to do is immediately begin another round of re-writes... ugh I need to let it go), at which point I'll return to Treachery's world and see what new things my subconscious has come up with while I let the story lay fallow.

There are other developments in the writing-world-of-Jenny-O, but I think I'll hold off on talking about that until they're a little more firmed up.  Wouldn't want to blow all my excitement on the first entry of the new year...

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