
Salvaging September

Not that there has been anything particularly wrong with this month- just that I seem to have been seriously slacking on the updating-of-the-blog front.  And not because post-worthy things (and writings) haven't been happening.  No, it's just been one of those months where I think, "Oh that will make a good blog post!" and then I just... don't get around to it.

But check me out, all 'round to it!

I'm feeling more and more comfortable in my role as commuter-cyclist, to the point where I am beginning to acquire paraphernalia.  Yep, I took a walk on my lunch break the other day, and ended up lugging a floor pump back to the office, where I cheerfully strapped it to my little rack and took it home.  Nathan, who'd had a flat tire, was thrilled with the investment.  More evidence of my total assimilation?  My holiday-wish-list is starting to become peppered with items like "skirt guard" and "panniers".  Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, my bike is more than just a passing craze. (Expense justified!  Woo!)

We are making incremental progress on the house: both the ceiling and the walls of the master-bedroom are now painted pale blue and yellow, respectively (although the ceiling-fan remains sitting in its box down in the still-chaotic "crafting-nook"), and we installed the extra shelf in the master-bathroom, so I now have a place to put everything in there without resorting to cardboard boxes.  There is still a long, long list of little tweaks and improvements and personalizations, but hey- we've got years.

Speaking of years, it's been eleven months since I first started really writing my "novel" (and I still feel compelled to put it in quotes), and I am in the middle of getting feedback from the second draft.  So far it's pretty much looking like I need to just entirely re-write the first section, which is depressing.  I hate to admit it, but I'm so sick of the story I just want to burn it.

But I won't.

In happier creative-news, I've gotten about 10,000 words into the Sleeping Beauty book, and I'm liking it just ever so much (we'll see how I feel in about 70,000 more words... although truthfully I think it will end up longer than the Crow book...), and I've been laying some serious ground-work for this year's NaNo book.  Expect excerpts...

But back to Home Owner Adventures: our oven sort of semi-imploded the other day, which, let me tell you, was excitement all around.  Fortunately a home warranty was part of the deal when we bought this house, so all we had to do was call them up and they'd take care of it.

In their own sweet time, apparently.

The oven did its scary-thing on Sunday, but no one came out to look at it until yesterday (that would be Thursday).  And the verdict?  Special parts needs must be ordered, so we can fully expect to be without a functioning oven until 10/11.  A good sixteen days.  Awesome.

Fortunately some wonderful friends had us over for dinner that first night, and we've been relying quite a bit on the grill since then.  And no-cook meals, of course, like bread-and-meat-and-cheese-and-fruit platters.  And, um, ordering pizza...

Speaking of not cooking (see, so many things to write about!) I've also gotten seriously hooked on green monster smoothies.  Holy guacamole, they're delicious!  Plus it's fun to experiment with flavors...  Possibly I will be rambling on about this subject more in the future (with product-shots, naturally).

And that... ought to cover it for the latter-part-of-September ramblings.  I actually do have another post percolating in my brain, but it involves scanning a drawing and that seems like an awful lot of effort at the moment.  (What can I say- it's Friday and I'm a bit wiped)

'Til next time, Gentle Readers!

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